SAVE THE DATE: UNY'S 10th Anniversary Party!
Join us to celebrate TEN YEARS of UNDERWATER NEW YORK, the release of The Labor Issue, and our website redesign on November 15th at Magick City in Greenpoint! The event will feature poetry by Jared Harél and Arden Levine, a sonic ritual by sTo Len, and an installation by Art Jones, followed by a dance party with DJ Dan Selzer. There will be anniversary treats and a cash bar.
Admission is free, although we appreciate donations, which will go directly toward UNY operations. Take home a Genre Fluid water bottle or UNY tote bag with a $20 donation at the door!
This event is funded in part by Poets & Writers through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.
Jared Harél, Arden Levine, sTo Len, Art Jones, and Dan Selzer
Jared Harél’s debut poetry collection, GO BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, was awarded the ‘Diode Editions Poetry Award’ and published by Diode Editions in 2018. He’s also been awarded the ‘Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize’ from American Poetry Review, the ‘William Matthews Poetry Prize’ from Asheville Poetry Review, and two 'Artist Grants' from Queens Council on the Arts. New poems have recently appeared in 32 Poems, APR, Bennington Review, New Ohio Review and THRUSH. Harél lives in Queens, NY with his wife and two kids.
Arden Levine’s poems have most recently appeared in Harvard Review, Indiana Review, The Offing, No Dear, and The Lifted Brow (Australia). Arden is a DC-born New Yorker and a member of the Beloit Poetry Journal board, and her daily work focuses on developing, preserving, and advocating for affordable urban housing and neighborhoods. She knows where to find all the best beach glass on the Eastern seaboard, but she isn’t telling.
Dan Selzer has been DJing since the 90s and throwing parties in NYC since the turn of the millennium. He plays some new music but mostly old music, all of it's fun though. He released an EP under the name New York Endless on the Golf Channel label and ran Acute Records, neither of which are indicative of the type of eclectic new wave disco that he uses to get parties going and occasionally stopping. photo credit for Dan Selzer to Seze Devres/