Formica Dinette and Underwater Teapot
“UnderWater Teapot #1,” 2011. Watercolor.
“Formica Dinette,” 2011. Monotype, Dypoint, Silk Screen.
During a particularly trying time in my life, my relationship to food changed. It was during this period that I realized the connection between taste and emotion. The series that emerged from this experience deals with the complex mixture of comfort, craving, and emptiness that food conjures.
The spaces we devote to food dually embody appetite and void. The ornate table is poised for celebration and fulfillment, yet fraught with the tension of absent dishes and absent guests. The delicate teapot hints at stories told, and perhaps since forgotten, over tea.
Formica Dinette, Demolished Teapot
Body of Water
About the Artist
Alexis Neider loves NYC waterways almost as much as she loves NYC pools. She has a B.A. from Vassar College and M.S.T from Fordham College. She studied painting for four years at the Art Students League and now has a studio at WorkSpace Harlem. Alexis is a teacher by day at the Neighborhood School where she teaches the 3Rs along with wood-working, sewing, and movie-making. She is particularly proud of a movie her students made sawing a play-dough brain in half. Alexis’ work has been exhibited at Atlantic Gallery, ArtSpace, Umbrella Arts, and Local Project. Her work can be seen here: